Buah Nona; Kluwa; Corazon; Binoewa; Mamon; Cachiment Coeur Boeuf; Malowa ... Diccionario Botanico de Nombres Vulgares de la Espanola. Universidad ... 
distribution and potential of cherimoyasauvage, Bois Cachiman, Coeur de boeuf, cachiman, while in Hindi it is called as Luvun,. Ramphal, Nonai. 8 . Botanical description of the ... ESPÈCES FRUITIÈRES D'AMÉRIQUE TROPICAL E - AgritropFront cover A 12-year-old eucalyptus tree (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) planted during the Agroforestry Outreach Project near St. Michel de l'Attalye in 1983. Page ... Tropical and subtropical fruits| Show results with: Tropical and subtropical fruit, inedible peel List of monographsde Catalogue of Seed Plants of the West Indies - Smithsonian InstitutionMissing: Annona reticulata - doc-developpement-durable.orgnetted custard apple, which is translated as anona de redecilla in Honduras and Nicaragua. Cachiman, cachiman coeur de boeuf and corossol ... Development of a Behavior Change Communications Program to ...cachiman cannelle. qovave. and deye dos. The last one is also known as quinine pays, or local quinine, and was found for sale in a small rural general store ... AFRICAN REGIONAL STANDARD ARS 47/1 NORME REGIONALE ...ABSTRACT: Background: High consumption of. Annona muricata fruit has been previously identified as a risk factor for atypical parkinsonism ... codex alimentarius commissionmosa, here called pomme cannelle, or cinnamon apple;. Annona reticulata, called cachiman coeur-de-boeuf, or bullock's heart, and Rollinia mucosa, called ... Le tri des annones | ECHOcommunity.orgLa producon du cachiman est la plus précoce et la plus abondante, suivie de celle de la pomme?cannelle, proche de celle du corossol. Le corossol a des problèmes ... Environmental Risk Factors for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy... cachiman, cachiman epineux, corossol, corossol commun, corossolier. Guyana ... cannelle. Surinam: kaneelappel, kaneel appel. Surinam Malayan: srikaja ... Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin AmericaShurifa; Srikaya; Candongo; Cachiman Canelle; Cachiment Cenelle;. Cachiman; Zuckerapfel; Surikaya; Serkaya; Anon; Pomme De Canelle;. Custard Apple; Sugar ...